Chart Tasks

The Chart window has two right-click menus that give you access to most tasks you might want to perform around your charts, including access to the same features found in the Chart Settings.

Access the Chart Tab menu by right-clicking the name tab at the top of the chart. The following features are available from this menu:

Chart Tab Right-Click Menu
Close [tab name] Closes the tab. You can also close a tab by clicking the X that displays in the tab when you move your mouse over it.
Rename [tab name] Makes the tab name editable, so that you can type a new name for the tab. You can also double-click the tab name to edit it.
Duplicate [tab name] Creates an identical tab with the same name, settings, studies, overlays, etc. This can save you the time and effort of recreating your customizations in another chart window.
Save [tab name] as template...

Charts saved as Templates essentially become part of the software and are accessible by selecting Open Chart from Template in the right-click menu. This is useful when you want to use the settings of this chart as a template for other charts.

Save [tab name] as file... Choose to save a chart as a File if you will want to access the chart outside of the software. For instance, you can back up your chart files or even share the file with someone.
New Chart Opens a new chart tab in the current chart tool.
Open Chart from Template Select from the list of saved chart templates (Edge comes with several built-in), or choose Other... to open a chart template file saved elsewhere.
Open Chart from File... If you have saved a chart as a file, but not as a template, you can use this menu item to find the file on your computer and open it.
Manage Chart Templates... Opens the Manage Chart Templates window, where you can rename or delete your saved templates. You can also import charts saved as files to make them templates in your software.
Help... Opens the online help to the Charts information.


Right-clicking within the chart itself gives you access to the last 6 functions above (save, open, new, manage), all the Chart Settings features, as well as the following additional features:

Chart Display Right-Click Menu
Load Trading Tool with [symbol]... Loads the current chart symbol into the Trading tool. Useful if you want to see additional price data for the symbol or place a trade. More on Trading and Quotes...
Load Symbol Hub with [symbol]... Loads the current chart symbol into the Symbol Hub.
Create an Alert for [symbol]... Loads the Create Alerts window, so you can create an alert for the symbol.
Create a Conditional Order for [symbol]... Load the Conditional Orders tab of the Trading tool, so you can create a conditional order for the symbol.
View News for [symbol]... Opens the News Overview tool and displays today's headlines for the symbol.
View Fundamental Data for [symbol]... Opens the Research Fundamental Data tool and displays fundamentals for the symbol, including earnings, ratings and other metrics.
Link to Research for [symbol]... Takes you to the research portion of so you can do further research into the stock.
Edit Tick Data...

Allows you to correct bad ticks that may skew the chart display. Choose the Period you wish to edit and then change the Open, High, Low, or Close fields to meet your needs. Click Save to display your changes in the chart.

Click Reset to revert to the original price data for the period you are currently displaying. Click Reset All to revert all periods back to their original price data.

Export Each row in the Export represents one chart bar and all data points connected with that bar. The columns consist of the bar's time stamp, its prices (high, low, open, close), its volume, and the value of its study for that bar.
Settings... Control chart display settings, such as price scale, line widths, and other elements from this settings pop-up. More information on Settings
Zoom Turns your mouse pointer into a magnifying glass which you can click and drag across a portion of the chart to zoom in on that portion. You can also click the at the top of the chart to turn Zoom on.
Help... Opens the online help to the Charts information.